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Loss is a universal experience that will affect us all at some point in our lives. Our vision is to help people to feel more confident to explore the many faces of grief and loss.
The Loss Project aims to support people to accept loss as a part of life and provide opportunities for personal reflection and inner work, collective experiences and connection as well as growth spaces to journey through the many faces of grief. Our mission is to challenge the stigma and taboo, cutting through the barriers of difficult conversations and subjects that can often remain unspoken. We always explore the light and shade of grief recognising the importance of bringing joy and hope as well as being with the painful experiences of loss. Through training, workshops, and bespoke creative community programmes, we aim to support communities to become more open and connected with more tools to support their health and wellbeing.
We are creating an archive of insights to help us to acknowledge loss in a healthier way. We work with and acknowledge all losses including living losses, such as jobs, relationships, connection etc as well as the loss of loved ones. We are interested to understand the interaction between losses, and how we can create a culture that acknowledges, embraces and even celebrates this complex human experience.
We are also growing a collective of facilitators; academics; designers; artists; technologists; and experts by experience; who collaborate with us to deliver work and to push the boundaries and challenge the status quo of how we support each other with grief and loss. We bring a fresh and creative edge to our work, which is nourishing, accepts loss as a normal part of our life cycles, as well as exploring the transformational potential that grief and loss can catalyse for individuals and wider society.

Our values flow through all of our work.
We recognise every individual’s experience deserves to be heard.
We help people find ways to live with loss.
We challenge the stigma around all sorts of loss.
We create a generative space for dialogue.
We place value on using creativity to express loss and find meaning in it.
We will do no harm to people or planet.
In living into our values, we adopt the following approaches:
We aim to be connected and creative.
We place value on challenging the status quo.
We are inquisitive and curious.
We put honesty and integrity at the centre of the work.
We never knowingly discriminate.
We recognise the strength in each other – doing with and by, rather than to and for.
We are collaborative and build reciprocal partnerships.
We can sit with discomfort.
We welcome all emotions into our spaces.

Our commitment to diversity, and challenging racism and discrimination is really important to us. We want to educate ourselves and learn, be open, and be challenged when we are not getting it right. We also recognise that our core team are all currently white women, and as such only brings a certain set of perspectives. As we are still fairly new, we hope that as we grow, we will build a collective of people who bring a range of perspectives and voices, and our forthcoming action plan will form a basis to progress that. Our diversity manifesto and action plan is a work in progress, but the below outlines our commitments in our work:
We will make conscious and deliberate decisions to ensure that people of colour, women, and other under represented groups are represented positively in our purchasing power, whether through our collaborators, suppliers or team; we seek to work with people who bring a range of perspectives and life experiences.
We will experiment with our governance structures to ensure we create an environment where people from lots of different backgrounds can participate and have a voice in shaping our strategy and direction.
We will seek new members of our freelance collective from communities of colour and other under represented groups. This includes committing to training and development programmes to support with skills and access where needed.
We are careful about the language and imagery we use; ensuring that we do not create work only in our own image.
We actively challenge any institutional structures, language and behaviour that perpetuates racism and discrimination.
We promote our work in places where people of colour and other under represented groups access.
We honour that we are all different, and find ways to celebrate and amplify the voices of others.
We listen deeply, and make changes if we don't get it right, even if it makes us uncomfortable.
About: What We Do

Ensuring we are transparent
Here we will upload our annual reports. These are really important so that we can share our learnings, highlights, challenges and our future plans. It's also a great way for us to reflect and look back on all we've achieved! If you have any questions about our annual reports, please contact Carly, Founding Director at
About: About Us
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